Alsahel Wa Alsahra is able to provide maintenance and related services for all major wellhead manufacturers’ equipment types. We offer our client as either a standalone service or complete management system that can handle all levels of Well Head Preventive and Integrity Maintenance:

  • Management
  • Field crews
  • Equipment
  • Consumables
  • Documentation

Alsahel Wa Alsahra personnel have years of experience, comprehensive knowledge of drilling, production and decommissioning operations. They are able to investigate, repair, test and troubleshoot.

Alsahel Wa Alsahra are capable of handling large scale project of numerous wells which range from Gas, Oil, water and Artificial Lifted well. Our technological system caters for all environments: off shore and onshore operations on well that contact H2S & CO2

  • Half-Yearly Preventive Maintenance
  • Yearly Preventive Maintenance
  • Corrective Maintenance